Monster Sanctuary Map, Monster Locations and Chest Locations - GuiasTeam (2024)

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For players of Monster Sanctuary, this guide provides the location of monsters and chests with the map exploration order based on the Monster Diary.

Mountain Path (1-21) (138-139) (234)

Table of Contents

Monster Sanctuary Map, Monster Locations and Chest Locations - GuiasTeam (1)
  1. (3x Blobs)
    DJ. Requires double jump, Normal chest [Shield]
  2. (2x Blob, 1x Magmapillar), (2x Magmapillar, 1x Rocky)
  3. Normal Chest [Cestus, Kunai], Breaking Wall Chest [Vital Ring], Levitates Chest [Hide]
  4. Normal Chest[Pulsera, gauntlet, 2x Copper]
  5. (3x Vaera), Levitates the Chest [Diadem]
  6. (2x Magmapillar, 1x Rocky), (2x Blob, 1x Rocky), Normal Chest [Orb, Morning Star]
  7. Normal Chest [Shock Ring, 3x Phoenix Rend], Sliced ​​/ Burned Vine Chest [Red Gem, 150 G]
  8. (3x Rocky), Normal Chest [Bandana], Breaking Wall Chest [Skill Reset]
  9. (3x Magmapillar), Cut / Burn Vine Monster & Chest (3x Catzerker) [Walnut]
  10. (2x Blob, 1x Catzerker), Normal Chest [Critical Ring]
  11. Normal Chest [100 G], Path of the Rupture Wall <Bottom left>
  12. Normal chest [Helmet]
  13. (2x Catzerker, 1x Magmapillar)
  14. (2x Yowie, 1x Vaera)
  15. Normal Chest [Tome, 2x Potion]
  16. (2x Yowie, 1x Catzerker), Normal Chest [Shell, Ribbon], Double Jump + Levitating Chest [Gauntlet + 3]
  17. Buran's old fight. (3x Blob), Champion Steam Golem /
  18. Champion Monk /, Normal Chest [Ring of Support]
  19. Normal Chest [Ocarina, Wizard Hat], Fire Chest [Pandora's Box], Water Chest [2x Potion]
  20. (2x Vaera, 1x Catzerker) 138. Double jump + levitate
  21. (3x Yowie), Normal Chest [Mana Ring + 3]

    * This place can be accessed from Map <5> with Double Jump + Levitates / Spawn Observation *

  22. (3x Manticorb), Normal Chest [Harp]

Guardian Fortress, Guardian Temple (22-35) (65)

Monster Sanctuary Map, Monster Locations and Chest Locations - GuiasTeam (2)

  1. Normal chest [Personal]
  2. Normal chest [Hide + 1]
  3. Store
  4. Monster donation
  5. Actualización
  6. Fight with the previous champion for 5 stars.
  7. Home [3x Small Potion, Brooch]
  8. Normal Chest [Skill Reset, Corporal]
  9. Dueling Circle, Rookie (LV 12 - 3x Bronze), Seeker (LV 14 - Skill Potion), Launcher (LV 18 - Skill Potion * I really click too fast and didn't see clearly what the reward is *), Ranger ( LV 25 - Stone of Change)

Infinite Arena, can challenge when you are the Caregiver Seeker.

Arena Online, can be accessed when you are the Launcher Guardian.

Blue Caves (36-64) (235)

Monster Sanctuary Map, Monster Locations and Chest Locations - GuiasTeam (3)

(The raccoon monster has a 3% chance of randomly spawning in battle from here on.) 36.Will, Leonard, (2x Tengu, 1x Grummy)

  1. Special Chest [Blue Cave Key], Rupture Wall Chest [Pulsera+1], Chest of Levitation/Interrupt [250 G]
  2. (2x Grummy, 1x Tengu)
  3. (3x Tengu), (2x Fungi, 1x Grummy), Normal Chest [Katar], Double Jump Chest [Cape + 2], Double Jump / Frock Chest [Ribbon + 2], Earth Breaker Chest [Corn], MAP's normal chest <57> [Armband + 2]
  4. (3x Mushrooms), Normal Chest [Vital Ring + 1], Path of Rupture Wall <43>
  5. Normal Chest [Life Ring + 2]
  6. Leonard, (2x Mushrooms, 1x Tengu), Normal Chest [Red Gem, Cestus + 1]
  7. Frock + Cut / Burn Vine Chest [Shell + 2], Double Jump Chest [4x Copper, 3x Cotton]
  8. (2x Monk, 1x Frosty), Normal Chest [Belt + 2]
  9. (2x Frosty, 1x Tengu), Special Chest [Double Jump Boots] * Double Jump Chest will be referred to as Normal Chest from now on *
  10. Normal chest [Hazelnut, Bronze]
  11. (2x Mushrooms, 1x Monk)
  12. (2x Monk, 1x Grummy), Special Chest [Blue Cave Key], Normal Chest [Green Gem]
  13. Special Chest [Blue Cave Key], Normal Chest [Sustain Ring + 2]
  14. Alchemist, Minitaur Champion /
  15. (3xFrosty)
  16. Normal chest [Hazelnut]
  17. (2x Tengu, 1x Grummy)
  18. Normal chest [Pear, Plate level 10], Break wall to access MAP <40>
  19. Normal Chest [Feather + 2], Chest of the Rupture Wall [Fang + 1]
  20. (2x Frosty, 1x Monk)
  21. DR Darkroom, either goes blind or returns with darkroom vision, Normal chest [Headband + 3]
  22. (2x Monk, 1x Grummy), Ground Switch + Move Block Chest [Headband + 2], Swimming Chest [Shift Stone] * You have to swim later in the game *
  23. Bex, Chest of the Lightning Orb [3x Combo Potion], Chest of the Earth Orb [Tome + 3]
  24. Champion's Ghost /, Normal Chest [Skrull]
    Talk to Will at <32>, then go to <65> in the Guardian Tower for the Trainers Battle /.
  25. Dueling Circle, Rookie (LV 12 - 3x Bronze), Seeker (LV 14 - Skill Potion), Launcher (LV 18 - Skill Potion * I really click too fast and don't see clearly what the reward is *)
  26. Normal chest [crystal shard, stone of change], this area can be accessed with Enhanced Swimming. (You won't have Enhanced Swimming by the time you get here, so check back later)

Fortress Dungeon (66-98) (116-117)

Monster Sanctuary Map, Monster Locations and Chest Locations - GuiasTeam (4)

  1. Jail, Normal Chest [Grapes], Earth Breaker Chest [Crystal Shard], Break the Wall in MAP <68>
  2. Normal Chest [Katana]
  3. (2x Crackle Knight, 1x Grummy)
  4. Julia, Normal Chest (Corn)
  5. (2x Nighwing, 1x Crackly Knight)
  6. Improved Levitates Chest [Change Stone] (You won't have any upgraded levitates by the time you get to this place so check back later.)
  7. (2x Crackly Knight, 1x Nightwing), Normal Chest (2x Bronze)
  8. Lightning Orb Chest [Mass Potion]
  9. Normal chest [500 G]
  10. (2x Grummy, 1x G'rulu), Break the Chest wall [Blue Gem], Move the Chest block [2x Iron]
  11. (2x G'rulu, 1x Grummy), Open Path to the Blue Caves, Normal MAP Chest <95>
  12. (2x G'rulu, 1x Crackle Knight)
  13. (2x Mad Eye, 1x Crunchy Knight), Levitates the Chest [2x Iron]
  14. Normal Chest [Potion of Mass, Morning Star + 2]
  15. (2x Mad Eye, 1x G'rulu)
  16. (3x Mad Eye), The dark place leads to MAP <84>
  17. Normal Chest [Skill Potion]
  18. (2x Toxiquus, 1x Mad Eye), Normal Chest [Corn, Hazelnut, Gauntlet + 2]
  19. Special Chest [2x Fortress Dungeon Key], The Stain Statue does nothing in the current version.
  20. (3x Toxiquus), Dark spot on top of left Chest [Drum]
  21. Operate Switch counting from the right 2`3`2`4`2`3`5`1`2`3`4, Normal Chest [Wizard Hat + 2]
  22. Want.
  23. Normal chest [Hazelnut]
  24. Beetloid Champion /
  25. Black dot on the right Chest [Red Gem], Break walls on MAP <95>
  26. Break the wall of the Chest [3x Reward Box LV 1], follow the path pass MAP <77> to get the Chest [Ring of Crit + 3] in MAP <78>.
  27. (3x G'rulu), Ground Switch / Move Chest Block [Green Gem]
  28. (2x Toxiquus, 1x MadEye)
  29. Vallalar, Trainers Battle / Talk to Will at <32>, then go to <99>.
  1. Bottom of <115>
  2. Open Path Lightning Orb, Normal Chest [Skill Refresh]

Ancient Forests (99-137)

Monster Sanctuary Map, Monster Locations and Chest Locations - GuiasTeam (5)
  1. (Magmamoth, Druid Oak, Magma Pillar), Normal Chest [Grapes]
  2. (2x Druid Oak, 1x Magmamoth), Normal Chest [Green Gem]
  3. Normal Chest [2x Level 10 Plate], Break Wall on MAP <103>
  4. Normal Chest [Support Ring + 3]
  5. (2x Nightwing, 1x Molebear), Normal Chest [Hazelnut]
  6. Break the wall of the Chest [Corn]
  7. (2x Magmamoth, 1x Druid Oak), (Magmamoth, Molebear Bear, Druid Oak), Normal Chest [Red Gem, 2x Iron]
  8. (2x Magmamoth, 1x Magmapillar)
  9. Tree of Evolution, Name Changer, Special Chest [Ancient Forest Key]
  10. Change the order: Blue, Red, Blue, Red (right), Blue, Green, Blue, Red, Blue, Red, Red (for Chest), the same red (after Chest), Green, Green (right), Red, Green (right), Blue (bottom), Yellow, Blue, Green, Red. Special Chest [Ancient Wooden Key], Normal Chest [Corn, Volume + 2]
  11. (3x Mole Bear), Cut / Burn Vine Chest [2x Wool], Levite Chest [2x Iron], Wall Breaker in <112>.
  12. Normal Chest [2x Mass Antidote]
  13. (2x Nightwing, 1x Molebear)
  14. Normal Chest [2x Combo Potion]
  15. Bottom of <115>
  16. Open Path Lightning Orb, Normal Chest [Skill Refresh]
  17. (2x Moon Bear, 1x Nightwing), Normal Chest [Cocoon]
  18. Darkroom Chest [Pear]
  19. (3x Druid Oaks)
  20. (2x Goblin Brute, 1x Goblin Hood), (2x Goblin Warlock, 1x Goblin Hood), Normal chest [500 G]
  21. Alchemist-Ostanes Battle Trainer /, (2x Goblin Hood, 1x Goblin Warlock), Normal access to the Chest from MAP <124> [Claw + 2]
  22. (2x Goblin Hood, 1x Goblin Brute), Lightning Orb Chest [2x Hazelnut], Top left to access MAP <123> Normal Chest.
  23. Darkroom Chest [2x Bronze]
  24. (2x Bright Butterfly, 1x Night Wing), (2x Bright Butterfly, 1x Moon Bear)
  25. (3x Glowfly), Normal Chest [Blue Gem, Crystal Shard]
  26. Light torches in the Chest [2x Potion, Potion of Skill]
  27. (2x Goblin Warlock, 1x Goblin Brute)
  28. Special Chest [Ancient Forest Key]
  29. (Goblin Brute, Hood, Warlock)
  30. Ostanes, Goblin King Champion /, Normal Chest [400 G, Cape + 3]
  31. (2x Goblin Brute, 1x Goblin Warlock), Normal Chest [2x Smoke Bomb]
  32. Fire, water, lightning, and earth orbit to open the way for <137>
  33. Champion Raduga / Talk to Eric and Ostanes in jail <67>, go to <138> (see MAP of the mountain path)
  34. Double jump + levitate
  35. (3x Yowie), Normal Chest [Mana Ring + 3]

Snowy Peaks (140-170)

Monster Sanctuary Map, Monster Locations and Chest Locations - GuiasTeam (6)
  1. Old Buran.
  2. (2x Ice Blob, 1x Yowie), Chest Wall Breaker [Strawberry], Normal Chest access from <142> [2x Lana], Levites Chest access from <142> [Hide + 3]
  3. (2x Mogwai, 1x Yowie), (2x Ice Blob, 1x Mogwai), Normal Chest [Blue Gem, Red Gem, 2x Hazelnut], Breaking wall top right of access <141> Chest.
  4. Normal chest on the right [Corn], Break Wall chest [Belt + 3]
  5. (3x Mogwai), Normal Chest [Green Gem]
  6. (2x Caraglow, 1x Mogwai)
  7. Darkroom Chest [Skill Potion]
  8. (2x Ice Blob, 1x Caraglow), Levitates the Chest [Almond]
  9. (2x Ice Stain, 1x Crystal Snail), Normal Chest [2x Iron], Chest of the Rift Wall [Armband + 3], Chest of the Ice Orb [2x Leather]
  10. (2x Crystal Snail, 1x Mogwai), Earth Orb Chest [Verdant Gem]
  11. (3x Aurumtail), Normal Chest [Mass Antidote]
  12. Mogwai Ice Orb Chest [2x Handle]
  13. (2x Mogwai, 1x Caraglow), Normal Chest [Bandana + 3]
  14. (2x Aurumtail, 1x Crystal Snail)
  15. (2x Caraglow, 1x Aurumtail)
  16. Levitate the Chest, levitate up right to <157>, when it falls again, break the wall of the left Chest.
  17. Normal Chest [Scepter]
  18. (Megataur, Caraglow, Crystal Snail), Normal Chest [Skill Reset], Top Left Levitates Chest [Blue Gem]
  19. Normal Chest [Scroll + 3]
  20. Garment maker, the first time he requires Raw Hide to give him warm underwear to swim in cold water, the second time he requires 1 carrot to give the evolution item to Minitaur.
  21. (2x Megataur, 1x Crystal Snail), Lightning Orb Chest [Strawberry]
  22. Normal Chest [Level 15 Plate], Levite + Chest Wall Breaker to the right [Helmet + 3]
  23. (Megataur, Aurumtail, Caraglow), Levita upper right of Chest [Almond], under Chest [2x Iron], Chest of warm underwear [Orb + 3], Earth Switch open path to <165>
  24. Water Orb Chest [Wizard Hat + 3], Normal Chest on top [Hide Raw], Break down the left wall to <166>
  25. Normal Chest [Combo Potion, 2x Wool, Level 15 Badge] Give the rawhide to the clothing maker and proceed.
  26. Dark room + Levitates Chest [Claw + 3, Carrot] * You need to Levitates Blindly *
  27. Move Block Chest [Bronze], Swimming Monster and Chest (2x Megataur, 1x Aurumtail) [Shift Stone, Skill Potion] * You get Swimming later in the game *
  28. Oracle, Champion Akhlut /, Normal Chest [Carrot]
  29. Break Wall Chest [Verdant Gem]

Palace of the Sun (171-199)

Monster Sanctuary Map, Monster Locations and Chest Locations - GuiasTeam (7)

(The raccoon monster has a 15% chance to appear in this location instead of 3%)

  1. Caretaker, (3x Imori), (2x Blade Widow, 1x Imori), Normal Chest [Verdant Gem, Blue Gem]
  2. (2x Imori, 1x Ninki Nanka), Levita at the top right of the Chest [Sun Stone]
  3. Bex, Mount the time switch hood [Coat + 4]
  4. Normal Chest [Skill Potion] * Can only be obtained after the second raise *
  5. (2x Vasuki, 1x Ninki Nanka), Water Orb Time Attack Chest [Cestus + 3]
  6. (2x Vasuki, 1x Blade Widow), (2x Ninki Nanka, 1x Vasuki), Go down from the top left and use Levitates for the switch on the left, then use Ground Switch to access the Normal Chest [2x Almond, Crimson Gem]
  7. (3x Blade Widow), Normal Chest [2x Lana]
  8. (2x Vasuki, 1x Blade Widow), Lightning / Earth Orb Chest [Red Gen, Green Gem, Blue Gem]
  9. First Water Drain Chest [2x Iron, Level 20 Badge, Carrot, Phoenix Tear], Second Water Drain Chest [Reward Box LV 1]
  10. (Vasuki, Sycophantom, Imori)
  11. (2x Imori, 1x Ninki Nanka), Goblin Hood Fire Orb Chest [2x Leather], Mogwai Ice Orb Chest [Bandana + 4]
  12. I had no idea how this puzzle worked, pull the last switch for the first rise and go back to <174> for the first water drain.
  13. (2x Kame, 1x Vasuki)
  14. (2x Kame, 1x Sycophantom), Normal Chest [Level 20 Insignia], The switching time attack requires a 2nd water drain.
  15. (3x Sycophantom)
  16. Change the attack time to the Chest [Crimson Gem]
  17. (2x Sycophantom, 1x Kame)
  18. Puzzles bastsingle ante, make room to jump to the top, flip the left/right switch and then another.
  19. Qilin Champion /, (3x Ninki Nanka), pull the switch for the 2nd rise and head back <174> for the 2nd water descent.
  20. Normal chest [crystal shard], break the wall + move the chest block [vital ring + 4], the statue of Blob does nothing in the current version.
  21. Move Block Chest [2x Smoke Bomb]
  22. (2x Kame, 1x Imori)
  23. Break Wall to the right of access <194>
  24. Normal chest [2x Handle, Bronze]
  25. Normal Chest [Skill Refresh, Monster Bell], Swimming Chest [Change Stone]
  26. (2x Blade Widow, 1x Ninki Nanka), pull the switch for final lift and go back to <174>.
  27. Coaches Battle /
  28. Champion Kanko /, Use the fire attack on the pipe.

Horizon Beach (200-233)

Monster Sanctuary Map, Monster Locations and Chest Locations - GuiasTeam (8)

  1. Monster farm
  2. Normal Chest [Level Plate]
  3. (2x .) Ucan, 1x Vaero), (2x Dodo, 1x Ucan)
  4. (2x Dodo, 1x Vaero), Upgrade Levita Chest [Rare Seashell] [Shift Stone]
  5. Normal Chest [Reward Chart Lvl 2]
  6. (2x Brawlish, 1x Ucan)
  7. Old Man by the Sea (Memorial Ring) - [Reward Box lvl2], (2x Brawlish, 1x Toxiquus), Improve Swimming Chest [Belt + 4]
  8. Normal Chest [Level Plate], Upgrade Swimming Chest [Rare Seashell]
  9. (2x Koi, 1x Thornish), (2x Thornish, 1x Koi), Chest to break the wall [Great Potion], Chest to improve swimming [crystal shard]
  10. (2x .) Ucan, 1x Dodo) ,(2x SilVaero, 1x Vaero), Normal Chest [2x MonsterBell] [Crit Ring+4] can reach the top by stepping on the open door.
  11. (2x Thornish, 1x Brawlish), Upgrade Swimming Chest [Crimson Gem] [Skill Potion] one behind a hidden wall.
  12. Swimming Time Race Chest [Rare Seashell], Ice Skill + Push Block Chest [Blue Gem]
  13. Normal Chest [Level Plate]
  14. Warp Point, (2x Kongamato, 1x Dodo), Normal Chest [Verdant Gem]
  15. (2x Kongamato, 1x Vaero), (2x Thornish, 1x Ucan), Wall Break Chest[1000G], Improve Levitates Chest [Shell+4], Normal Chest [Bronze] [Reward Box lvl 2] [2x Smoke Bomb]
  16. (2x Kongamato, 1x Silvaero), Normal Chest [Carrot] [Gauntlet + 4]
  17. Nothing.
  18. Bex- [Switch Stone], (2x SilVaero, 1x Kongamato), Improve Flying Chest [Skill Potion], Normal Chest [Silver Feather] evolve item for Vaero.
  19. Fisherman(5 Rare Seashells)-[Fishing Rod], Normal Chest [Reward Box lvl 2]
  20. Normal chest [rare seashell] Access from <214> or upgrade swimming from <212>
  21. (2x Brawlish, 1x Nautilid)
  22. (2x Nautilid, 1x Toxicus)
  23. Normal chest [Blue gem] [Headband + 4]
  24. Julia and Three Switches
  25. Nada
  26. Normal Chest [Tear of the Phoenix]
  27. (2x .) Ucan, 1x Brawlish)
  28. Leonard (Upgrade Levite), Access from <231> Chest [Moon Sword]
  29. (2x Nautilid, 1x Thornish)
  30. Normal chest [Rare Seashell], hidden wall at the top that accesses 231> 227 Chest.
  31. Journal, Normal Chest [Commemorative Ring]
  32. Nothing.
  33. (3x Nautilid), Normal Chest [2x Combo Potion],
  34. Trainer Showdown Julia / - [Skill Potion], Champion Elderjel /, Normal Chest [2000G], Special Chest [Shrine Token]

Magma Chamber (235 - 273)

Monster Sanctuary Map, Monster Locations and Chest Locations - GuiasTeam (9)

You can access here through the Stronghold Dungeon or Horizon Beach, access from Horizon Beach is better as it is close to where the event triggers.

  1. Nada
  2. Goblin Trader (Buy Skill Potion, Change Stone, and Change Stone)
  3. (2x Goblin Miner, 1x Glowdra), Normal Chest [Level Plate]
  4. Diamond Block Chest [Gray Pearl] / You can destroy the diamond block with the goblin miner /
  5. (1x Glowfly, 1x Goblin Miner, 1x Glowdra)
  6. Runestone (Find Will in the Guardian's Library to help, Teleporter Stone in the next room)
  7. Teleporter stone
  8. Normal chest [Raw Hide]
  9. Darkroom Vision Chest [Silver]
  10. Normal Chest [Verdant Gem]
  11. Bex's Duel / - [Skorch Egg]
  12. (2x Goblin Miner, 1x Salahammer), Puzzle Chest [2x Steel]
  13. Nada
  14. (2x Goblin Miner, 1x Draconov)
  15. The upper left part breaks the walls of the Chest [skill potion], the normal Chest [2x mass potion]
  16. Nada
  17. (2x Glowdra, 1x Glowfly), Normal Chest [2x Almond]
  18. Normal chest [Mango]
  19. Normal chest [2x Bronze], Bridge requiring the cavalcade
  20. (2x Salahammer, 1x Lava Blob)
  21. (2x Draconov, 1x Glowdra), MiddleRight Improved Flying Chest [Volcanic Ash] -Evolve Item for Glowfly, BottomLeft Chest [Kunai + 4]
  22. Special Chest [Runestone Stone Fragment] - Bring this back to Will to open a new path
  23. Wall Breaker Chest [1000 G]
  24. (3x Lava Blobs)
  25. (2x Draconov, 1x Dracogran), BottomRight Improved Flying Chest [Bracer + 4]
  26. (2x Dracogran, 1x Draconov), Special Chest [Magma Chamber Key]
  27. (1x Lava Blob, 1x Salahammer, 1x Draconov), Normal Chest [Blue Gem], Bridge that require the Cavalcade
  28. Diamond Block Chest [2x Silver]
  29. (2x Lava Blob, 1x Salahammer), Normal Chest [Crimson Gem] [Silk]
  30. Rhazes Duel / - [LVL Reward Box 2], Rhazes turns into a shop after this.
  31. (1x Draconov, 1x Glowdra, 1x Dracogran)
  32. Normal chest [Silver]
  33. Normal chest [Raw Hide]
  34. (2x Salahammer, 1x Lava Blob), Create an Obstacle Chest [Omni Ring], Normal Chest [2x Steel]
  35. (2x Lava Blob, 1x Dracogran), Normal Chest [Needle + 4]
  36. Riding Chest [2x Leather]
  37. (2x Dracogran, 1x Draconov)
  38. Upper Normal Chest [Personal + 4], Lower Normal Chest [Silk]
  39. Will, Champion Asura / , Special Chest [Shrine Token]

Evolution of monsters.

The wild evolutionary form will only drop its pre-evolution egg, so something like G'rulu will drop Grummy's egg instead, this is also the only way to get Ninki, as there is no wild Ninki, only Ninki Nanka. wild.

Stardust (Obtain as a rare drop from G'rulu and Sycophantom), Evolve Grummy into G'rulu.
Cocoon (Can be obtained from the map <119>), Evolve Magmapillar in Magmamoth
Magic Clay (Obtain from the girl in the Tree of Evolution), Evolve Ninki into Ninki Nanka.
Winter Shard (Obtained from Clothes Maker by giving it a carrot), Evolves Minitaur into Megataur.
Stone of the Sun (Can be obtained from the map <172>), Evolve Knight of Twilight into Knight of Twilight.
Silver Feather (Can be obtained on the map <217>), Evolves Vaero into Silvaero.
Volcanic Ash (Can be obtained from the map <255>, Glowdra Rare Drop), Evolve Glowfly into Glowdra.
Firestone (Dracogran Rare Drop), Evolve Draconov into Dracogran.

That's todor what we are sharing today in Monster Sanctuary MAP, Monster Location, Chest Location Guide, if there's anything you want to add, please feel free to leave a comment below. See you!

Credit to 阿 夢 EDDDyum

Monster Sanctuary Map, Monster Locations and Chest Locations - GuiasTeam (2024)


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