Gabriel Portella Reviews (2024)

1. ‎Gabriel Portella's profile • Letterboxd

  • Gabriel uses Letterboxd to share film reviews and lists. 145 films watched. Favorites: Bridge to Terabithia (2007), Howl's Moving Castle (2004), ...

  • Gabriel uses Letterboxd to share film reviews and lists. 145 films watched. Favorites: Bridge to Terabithia (2007), Howl's Moving Castle (2004), A Silent Voice: The Movie (2016), Fast X (2023).

‎Gabriel Portella's profile • Letterboxd

2. Gabriel Portela | Feedback card -

  • Feedback on the willingness to work again with Gabriel Portela.

  • Feedback on the willingness to work again with Gabriel Portela

Gabriel Portela | Feedback card -

3. Gabriel Portella - Facebook

  • Gabriel Portella. 173 likes. Musician.

  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

4. ‎Gabriel Portela's profile • Letterboxd

‎Gabriel Portela's profile • Letterboxd

5. Dr. Gabriel Portela | Campinas SP - Facebook

  • Page · Lawyer & Law Firm · Rua Uruguaiana, 762, Campinas, SP, Brazil · +55 19 3381-4487 · instagram. com/gabrielportelaa?igshid=MDM4ZDc5MmU% 3D ·

  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

6. Hire Gabriel Portella as a Freelancer today! - Latium

  • Gabriel Portella. @GabrielGP. Brazil. Contact Gabriel. Request ... Send payment to Gabriel for completed projects or simply give them a tip. Ratings & Reviews.

  • Find & hire expert freelancers in 500+ categories working for crypto or USD. Browse service listings or post your job and receive free quotes in seconds.

Hire Gabriel Portella as a Freelancer today! - Latium

7. Publications - Prof. dr. ir. B. (Bert) Brunekreef - Utrecht University

  • ... Portella, M., Meliefste, K., Wang, M., Eeftens, M., Yli-Tuomi, T., Cirach, M ... , GABRIEL Consortium, X., & Cookson, W. O. C. (2010). A large-scale ...

  • UU Staff

8. Gabriel De la Cruz Ku - Universidad Científica del Sur

Gabriel De la Cruz Ku - Universidad Científica del Sur

9. Rescuers at risk: a systematic review and meta-regression analysis of the ...

  • Carla Marques-Portella. Carla Marques-Portella. 4Institute of Psychiatry ... Gabriel R, Ferrando L, Corton ES, Mingote C, Garcia-Camba E, Liria AF, Galea ...

  • We sought to estimate the pooled current prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among rescue workers and to determine the variables implicated in the heterogeneity observed among the prevalences of individual studies. A systematic review ...

Rescuers at risk: a systematic review and meta-regression analysis of the ...

10. 157 Reviews of Driver's Auto Mart - DealerRater

  • ... Gabriel Portela. Report | Print. Dec 04, 2021 -. Dec 04, 2021 -. Driver's Auto Mart responded. We appreciate your 5-star response! Thank you for your time and ...

  • 157 Reviews of Driver's Auto Mart - Used Car Dealer Car Dealer Reviews & Helpful Consumer Information about this Used Car Dealer dealership written by real people like you.

157 Reviews of Driver's Auto Mart - DealerRater

11. Department of Applied Economics - Universitat de les Illes Balears

  • Veronica Leoni: “Beyond words: unveiling the implications of blank reviews in online rating systems”, Information Technology & Tourism, forthcoming, 2024 ...

  • DEA

12. ‪Gabriel R. Fries‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

  • V Balanzá-Martínez, GR Fries, GD Colpo, PP Silveira, AK Portella, ... Expert review of neurotherapeutics 11 (7), 1029-1047, 2011. 155, 2011. Revisiting ...

  • ‪University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston‬ - ‪‪8.355 lần trích dẫn‬‬ - ‪Psychiatry‬ - ‪Epigenetics‬ - ‪Bipolar Disorder‬ - ‪DNA methylation‬ - ‪Genetics‬

‪Gabriel R. Fries‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬


  • Florida: CRC press. Portella, A. A.; de Souza, B. C. N. (2021), A nova ... Copyright (c) 2023 Beatriz Estulano Vieira, João Gabriel de Araujo Oliveira, Renato ...

  • The central objective of this paper is to deliver an intergenerational Life Cycle model considering the retirement process based on the pay-as-you-go system (PAYG). Our model is inspired by Baranzinis’ approach, where the optimal consumption analysis is made in a two-class type and restricted by the capital variation of each one. Our main results observe the equilibrium solution of the consumption and capital stock to both classes and conclude that the PAYG system does interfere with the results, as well as the time preference to leave or not inheritance. The methodology approached here is the Pontryagins’ Maximum Principle. We also applied a numerical simulation to ensure the robustness of our approach.

14. Postsurgical rhabdomyolysis | Revista Colombiana de Nefrología

  • 18 jul 2024 · Portella ST, Acioly MA. Rhabdomyolysis and spine surgery: a systematic review of the literature. J Clin Neurosci. 2019 dic.;70:178-82. https ...

  • Introducción: la rabdomiólisis (RML) es una entidad que puede cursar como complicación posoperatoria de baja incidencia, caracterizada por mionecrosis con liberación de toxinas al torrente sanguíneo. Existen factores predisponentes y la mayoría de RML posquirúrgicas tienen etiología multifactorial, además, cursa generalmente con lesión renal aguda y necesidad de diálisis, lo que aumenta los días de estancia hospitalaria y mortalidad. Objetivo: este artículo tiene el propósito de informar sobre el caso clínico de un paciente que cursa con diagnóstico de rabdomiólisis posterior a una intervención quirúrgica, además de proporcionar información relevante sobre el diagnóstico temprano y el tratamiento oportuno. Presentación del caso: paciente masculino de 69 años que ingresa a cirugía para artroscopia de hombro, reparo del manguito del rotador por lesión anterior y superior, más tenotomía con suspensión de bíceps y descompresión acromioclavicular subdeltoidea; durante el posquirúrgico presenta astenia, náusea y 12 horas de anuria, además, se evidencia elevación de azoados y enzimas musculares (creatina fosfocinasa (CPK): 10.519 U/l), por lo que se establece el diagnóstico de rabdomiólisis. El paciente permanece hospitalizado con infusión de cristaloides y furosemida, además de esteroides (metilprednisolona), N-acetilcisteína y bicarbonato, sin presentar mejoría, por lo cual requiere hemodiálisis. Posteriormente, evoluciona de manera favorable con disminución paulatina de azoados y...

Gabriel Portella Reviews (2024)


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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.